m i c h a e l s a w i n . t r i p o d . c o m / s a w i n s t u f f
That's me in the corner. I only sort of look like that,
really. But I thought it was funny.
Likes: Most Patient Wife, computers, chocolate and peanut butter
together. Also, kitties and some kids, even when they are surly.
Dislikes: Bugs, humidity, onions.
Hobbies: Scratching, chasing the kitty. Too much TV.
Most Patient Wife is much cuter than this picture.
Likes: Music, kids, puppies and kitties.
Dislikes: Rude people, bad odors, mendacity.
Hobbies: Being wonderful, gardening, being funnier
and smarter than her husband.


AngryTeen looks nothing like this.
Likes: Nothing.
Dislikes: Almost everything.
Hobbies: Scowling, pouting, playing music loudly.

Action Kitty, AKA Ginger, looks exactly like the picture.
Likes: Snuggling, sitting in sunbeams, playing with
her laser light.
Dislikes: Taking medicine, going to the vet.
Hobbies: Sitting on Important Papers, galloping up
and down the stairs, licking herself, galumphing around the house with Lovey.
Likes: eating, passing gas, climbing.
Dislikes: sitting still, empty food dishes, getting squirted when naughty.
Hobbies: ignoring the word "No!", purring like a chain saw, galumphing
around the house with Ginger, generally being a very sweet-tempered pain in the buttocks.